A Trend in Automobile Aerodynamics Technology
Abstract :
Aerodynamics in automobile plays a crucial role, how will they behave on road & how efficient they performs the task they are designed for. For all vehicles ranging from small passenger vehicles to
commercial busses & trucks, reducing air drag is one of the most efficient ways of improving fuel economy.
Optimum aerodynamic design has to produce the best balance between drag that allows the car to
be stable & drivable at high speed. In this paper we study the optimum aerodynamics design & basic steps
to be followed during the design using Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) gives you a means of visualization and understanding
your design as it is a tool for predicting what will happen under the given set of circumstances before
physical prototyping.
CFD helps you to design better and faster, it provides numerical approximations to the equations
that govern the fluid motions. In CFD, governing equations are solved with the help of computer software.
What Is CFD?
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is the computational science of simulating
fluid flows by using computers. CFD is the simulation of fluids engineering systems
using modeling (mathematical physical problem formulation) and numerical methods
(discretization methods, solvers, numerical parameters, and grid generations, etc.) CFD
made possible by the advent of digital computer and advancing with improvements of
computer resources. CFD provides numerical approximation to the equations that govern
fluid motion.
Application of the CFD to analyze a fluid problem. First, the mathematical
equations describing the fluid flow are written. These are usually a set of partial
differential equations. These equations are then discretized to produce a numerical
analogue of the equations. The domain is then divided into small grids or elements.
Finally, the initial conditions and the boundary conditions of the specific problem are
used to solve these equations. The solution method can be direct or iterative. In addition,
certain control parameters are used to control the convergence, stability, and accuracy of
the method.
Why To Use CFD?
Basically, the compelling reasons to use CFD are these three:
1. Insight
There are many devices and systems that are very difficult to prototype. Often,CFD analysis shows you parts of the system or phenomena happening within the system that would not otherwise be visible through any other means. CFD gives you a means of visualizing and enhanced understanding of your designs.
2. Foresight
Because CFD is a tool for predicting what will happen under a given set of circumstances, it can answer many ‘what if?’ questions very quickly. You give it variables. It gives you outcomes. In a short time, you can predict how your design will perform, and test many variations until you arrive at an optimal result. All of this is done before physical prototyping and testing. The foresight you gain from CFD helps you to
design better and faster.
3. Efficiency
Better and faster design or analysis leads to shorter design cycles. Time and money are saved. Products get to market faster. Equipment improvements are built and installed with minimal downtime. CFD is a tool for compressing the design and development cycle.
A Case Study On Opel Astra:
Optimum Design Procedure:
CFD flow simulation can thus be used to readily make statements about flow circulation around a car to the point where models or prototypes are not available.Offering comprehensive information to designers about the entire flow field can therefore accelerate the process of aerodynamic design. The flow field around a vehicle is physically very complex.
The efficiency of an aerodynamic CFD simulation depends on the time span required to achieve the first set of results, as well as the accuracy of the simulated flow quantities. The turn around time and confidence level in the predictions is two major criteria for success that compete with one another. Creation of the model geometry,discretization of the physical domain, and choice of a suitable numerical computing scheme are significant factors that can determine the level of success of such an effort.
The underlying simulation process is divided into the following steps: CAD
surface preparation, mesh generation, CFD solution of the fluid flow, mesh adaption, and
visualization of the results. The software packages used for these steps include,
(additional mesh generation), and FLUENT (solver and post processing). An elapsed
processing time of between 5 and 11 days, without CAD modeling, is usually required for
the base case simulation of a complete model, comprised of about 3 million cells. This
time scale depends on the complexity of the model. Once the base case has been built,
individual modifications can be realized in a fraction of this time span
To begin the process, the CAD body shell data for the ASTRA is downloaded
from a common CAE database at OPEL, from which all of the vehicle parts and
components can be accessed. For initial concept studies, the vehicle exterior data is made
available by the design department. Underbody data can also be downloaded from the
database. For early theme studies there is usually a simplified generic underbody model
available, which has already been integrated and meshed. For subsequent aerodynamic
studies, individual engine parts are not modeled. In this study, the air cooling vents and
the engine space above the sub frame are closed.
Using this finished base case, numerous types of vehicles can be generated on the
same template for simulation in a short time period. A half model with a centerline
symmetry plane is sufficient for initial design studies, but the ASTRA in this study is
constructed as a full model with an asymmetric geometry (where the asymmetries are
mostly confined to the underbody). This is done to enable detailed predictions of the flow
field around and under the vehicle. The wind tunnel geometry around the model is a
rectangular enclosure. It is of such a dimension that the adverse pressure effects between
the vehicle and the wall are minimized. The three CAD components, namely the outer
body of the vehicle, the underbody with tires, and the wind tunnel together constitutes the
CFD model
Surface Grid:
The integration, preparation and clean up of the CAD components described
above was done with the program ANSA .To do this, the CAD data was exported in
IGES format and read into ANSA, where production of a closed topology of CAD areas
and definition of macro areas was performed. Additionally, auxiliary surfaces were
generated, so that separately meshed fluid zones could later be linked or delinked from
one another. These areas and surfaces were then used to generate the surface grid. The
following description of the task of grid creation is limited to the styling surfaces, since
the wind tunnel and the underbody have already been meshed.
The vehicle body is meshed with triangles having a side length of about 20 mm,
in as uniform a manner A possible. A minimum side length of about 5 mm used in the
areas of the side mirror and the A-pillar. The window frames are covered with regular
quadrilateral elements so as to close the stage of the window later using separately
inserted prism blocks. Experience shows that generation of a fine and uniform grid on the
vehicle body is necessary to obtain realistic values for drag and lift coefficients. Fig
shows the shaded surface mesh of the ASTRA.
Generating The 3d Hybrid Mesh:
A hybrid mesh comprised of tetrahedral and prismatic elements was chosen for
the CFD model of the ASTRA. This was done so as to ensure that an extensive automatic
grid generation of the complex geometry could occur. The volumetric grid was built in
TGRID, using the surface grid that was generated by ANSA. It was then exported in a
FLUENT format. On the one hand, this means that a high quality resolution of the
surface mesh is necessary to create a good volume grid. On the other hand, any
modifications must only be performed in the two-dimensional “space” that is the surface
mesh.This therefore simplifies and accelerates the task of grid generation by taking into
account the possibility of further simulations of various base vehicle variants. To improve
the resolution of the oncoming flow boundary layer, the styling surfaces of the vehicle
and the floor of the wind tunnel were made up of multiple prism layers. In this instance,
avoiding three-dimensional corners or steps in the surface to form a grid with prisms was
effective. This help’s generate cells of good quality. The set-in side windows of the
ASTRA model along with their corresponding rectangular windowsills are not well
suited for direct coverage by prism layers, because distorted prismatic elements would be
created. The same is true for geometric steps in the areas of the cowl and A-pillar, and
also for inserts and steps in the front and rear of the vehicle. In ANSA, these areas are
closed in advance, using the auxiliary surfaces mentioned above. The limiting areas are
filled with either tetrahedral or, as in the case of the side windows, regular hexahedral
blocks generated in GAMBIT.
Wherever such auxiliary surfaces could not be used to separate areas of complex
geometry from the surrounding prism layers, the so-called no conformal interfaces option
was used. In the case of the ASTRA, the external mirrors, the entire underbody, and the
wheels are covered using tetrahedral. This means that the prism layers which were
generated on the styling surfaces and on the ground, end at the body sill and at predefined
areas around the external mirror and wheels. A so-called prism side is generated at the
edge of the prism layers. This is a circumscribing zone, which displays quadrilateral
surfaces. To couple the quadrilateral surfaces with the tetrahedral mesh of the wind
tunnel that is yet to be generated, these are copied and triangulated automatically in
TGRID, in correspondence to the distribution of the edge nodes. The triangles that are so
created can be manually modified if necessary. Both areas are later handled as internal
interfaces. This allows the solver to interpolate the flow data between the different types
of elements.
TGRID was used to generate prism layers on the vehicle body shell and ground
plane. The height of each prism element is controlled by entering the aspect ratio of the
first cell and a geometric growth rate. To do this, meshing parameters were chosen to
target a good initial y+ distribution and a smooth transition to the tetrahedral grid in the
external fluid region. The planar sidewalls of the wind tunnel were automatically split
into zones with quad or triangular surface elements, depending upon where the prism
layers join. There they were retriangulated. The regions that had not been made into a
grid using prisms were grouped together to form their own domain. The remaining
volumetric grid generation was completed using TGRID, resulting in a hybrid mesh of
approximately 3 million cells. The maximum skewness was less than 0.8 .
Numerical Solution Of Flow Equations And Grid Adaption :
A 3D steady state, incompressible solution of the Navier-Stokes equations was
performed using FLUENT 5. Turbulence modeling was done with the realizable k model
using non-equilibrium wall functions. The free stream velocity was set to be 140 km/h.
For about the first 300 iterations, a first order upwind discretization scheme was used to
accelerate the convergence.
Thereafter, a second order upwind scheme was used. For simulations of this type,
a total of 5 combined grid adaptions are usually carried out during the solution process, to
satisfy the y+ criteria. Statistical pressure gradient adaption is also executed, acting on
about 1 to 2% of the total cell count. Hanging node adaption is typically used, which
allows for subsequent coarsening of the grid if the need arises later in the solution process.
After each adaption, about 150 iterations are usually required to converge the solution to
the previous residual values. For scaled residuals, the convergence criterion is satisfied if
the residuals fall below a value of 10-3. A more accurate measure is when fluctuations in
the lift and drag coefficients lie within the range of ± 0.001. In this particular case, a total
of 1600 iterations on an eight processor SGI Origin 2000 were performed.
Post-Processing (Flow Visualization):
In a normal wind tunnel test, flow visualization is either too restrictive or too
expensive. In contrast, the CFD simulation process readily generates data for the entire
flow field. This can be combined and presented in the manner the user requires. Flow
field visualization (surface pressure distribution, for example) assisted by path lines can
provide the aerodynamic development engineer with significant insight into the basic
flow features. It also indicates areas for further optimization. In addition, general
statements may be made about the aero-acoustics and contamination of the vehicle. It can
be used to analyze turbulence energy distribution or the progression of wall surface
streamlines in the A-Pillar region and at the side glass. Figure shows examples of flow
field visualization.
CFD flow simulation is a useful tool for providing predictions of pressure
distribution and forces exerted on the vehicle components.
1. www.flowfluent.com/solutions/automobile/aero.html
2. www.cd-adapco.com/apps/automotives.html
3. Tao Xing & Fred Stern,” Introduction to CFD” IIHR-hydro science & Engg., University of Iowa,2002.
4. Ing. Andreas Kleber “ JA123-Simulation Of Air Flow Around Opel Astra Vehicle With Fluent”,2001
5. GRIEBEL M.,DORNSEIFER T. AND NEUNHOEFFER T.”Numerical Simulation in Fluid Dynamics:
A Practical Introduction”. SIAM Monographs on Mathematical Modeling and Computation. SIAM 1998.
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